It's Toby's mexican's a flamboyana tree and it's noteworthy because he loves it so much and because about 6 years ago i smuggled the seeds home from Cozumel and we got 7 seedlings and his is the only one left. One of the others made it with us to our Kyle house and we planted it in the was about 7 feet tall and then it froze that winter.
That's Toby's house.
Check out the cool chicken leg rack that Toby uses on his grill.
I took 10 cantaloupes and handed them out to friends....i got tired of smelling them in the car for 4 days.
Dropped Jamey at the Midland/Odessa airport last Tuesday at 5:30 a.m. then found a little highway that would take me south to IH 10.
It wasn't daylight yet and there was nothing out there and kinda creepy.
I was happy to get on the interstate and the sun was coming up....and gee, wally....there was STILL nothing out there and still kinda creepy.
I saw 2 terrible car accidents.
I had to pull over for awhile in Fredericksburg cos it was raining so hard.
Anyways, I got Dripping Springs on my way into Kyle to go to the Guerras and took hwy. 150 (after Dan told me not to)...and had to turn around and go another way because the road was closed due to high water.
The san marcos/kyle area has had rain for the last 44 days out of 47.
The emerald cities!
I enjoyed it...everyone there is sick of it.
It was great to see dan and bobbie and especially his mom...i hadn't seen her since she was staying there as a refugee from hurricane rita....she lives in Texas City.
The next day I went to the dentist and eye doctor and shopped alot and then met Patty, Toby, his roomate Troy, Scott and Dano for dinner at the river pub.
Then we hung out at Toby's and I spent the night at Patty's.
The next day I shopped some more and met Brook and Carolynn for lunch then drove up to Austin and stayed with kay and jim. Jim made some seafood chile rellenos that were to DIE for!
I miss cental Texas and our friends there.
I'm going back in 6 weeks to get a couple of cavites filled...crap...i havn't had any cavities in years.
Gene sure is enjoying his job in the P.E. dept. at the prison.
The other day he took all his old trophies and baseball t-shirts and decorated his office....that's cool...his tropies had been in storage for years.
The inmate-kid that he had unpacking them was saying: "gee, coach...these trophies are older than is the newspaper that they are wrapped in." (it was a 1988 paper.)
It's raining lightly here today....FINALLY! But tonight is our Night in old Pecos festival....i remember it rained last year for it too. They have bands, a cake walk, a dunking booth and food and crafts booths. Gene and I are volunteering for 2 hours tonight...we'll drive around in a golf cart and pick up bags of trash and put out fresh trash bags.
For Sale:
antique organ. $40. (cool...i want that.)
6 1/2 golden retrievers $100 each. ( the half of one only $50.?)
fresh okra.
folklorico costumes for 4 girls.
That's all bloggers.
Love, Mary