Museum of the Big Bend at Sul Ross University....and just "around the town".
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Darling Patty (from San Marcos) was here for 2 nights last week.
She had been to Big Bend Nat'l. Park and swung by here for a visit before heading home.
Jamey arrived from Manhattan Friday evening and will be here for 10 days.
Toby and his friend Scott will drive from San Marcos late, late Wed. night and will stay till Sunday.
Gene's friend George will be here for thanksgiving dinner too.
I'm looking forward to hosting a great feast!
Scott is going to treat our house for termites while he is here.
That's all.
Love, mary
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Everything about this picture is, hair, etc.etc...but note the paint brush behind my ear....makes it O.K.
I had a local newspaper with a picture of the breaking of ground for the new animal shelter....and forgot to save it....Grrr.
It's going to be out on IH 20 by the county jail.
Cost: $275,000.
Will keep you posted.
George gave me a dutch oven.
I'm gonna dig a hole and make biscuits....and maybe other stuff too.
I guess that will be the next blog picture.
Stand by.
Gene made the absolute BEST pork ribs last weekend.
Now that we have an oven to pre-cook 'em in....and then toss 'em on the grill....Mmmmmmm...perfection!
I'm a FREAK!
Because I don't like football.
Local, college, NFL....who cares....I HATE IT!
Thus....I'm an outcast.
It's been in the 20's on and off for 4 nights...and we STILL have flies.
Where do they go?
In a hidey hole with coats and fly sized heaters.
We hadda buy new fly swatters.
For Sale-
full blood wolf. (who would want that?)
A goat.
Western cowboy party decor.
Great white pyranese dog, from cattle guard #17, 4 miles north of Wickett. (well, THAT's out in the middle of f-ing NOWHERE!)
Friday, November 7, 2008
> > > 12 million dollars!!! Pecos is already so poor.
> > > A remodeling and expansion of the golf course.
> > > Renovations and expansion of ball fields at Maxey Park and a new
> > > north side splash park, which is going to include: fun/splash park
> > > (whatever that is), jog/walk trial, exercise stations, covered
> > > seating and a play area.
> > > A local businessman will then build a 9 million dollar hotel,
> > > restaurant(s) and entertainment center (whatever that is).
> > > All of this is supposedly going to increase the "quality of life" and
> > > promote tourism in Pecos.
> > >
> > > How can we increase tourism in Pecos when the town looks so awful?
> > > The trash and especially the dozens of abandoned and falling down
> > > buildings is a disgrace.
> > > I am more interested in cleaning up the town and preserving it's
> > > history.
We have some local business folk and a judge who really like to spend money on what (in my opinion) are unnecessary things.
What say you?
> > >
> > > A remodeling and expansion of the golf course.
> > > Renovations and expansion of ball fields at Maxey Park and a new
> > > north side splash park, which is going to include: fun/splash park
> > > (whatever that is), jog/walk trial, exercise stations, covered
> > > seating and a play area.
> > > A local businessman will then build a 9 million dollar hotel,
> > > restaurant(s) and entertainment center (whatever that is).
> > > All of this is supposedly going to increase the "quality of life" and
> > > promote tourism in Pecos.
> > >
> > > How can we increase tourism in Pecos when the town looks so awful?
> > > The trash and especially the dozens of abandoned and falling down
> > > buildings is a disgrace.
> > > I am more interested in cleaning up the town and preserving it's
> > > history.
We have some local business folk and a judge who really like to spend money on what (in my opinion) are unnecessary things.
What say you?
> > >
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's all over finally....yet just beginning.
I was surprised to learn that 52% of Reeves county voted for Barak Obama.
I generally think of Pecos as a VERY conservative and somewhat prejudiced town.
Why anyone would WANT to be president right now is waaaaay beyond me.
Give him a year or two and let's see what he can accomplish.
Gene and I early voted...the second to the last day.
There were 3 people ahead of us. (Dan and Bobbie waited an hour and a half in Kyle).
We don't use voting machines.
We ARE the machines.
We get a paper ballot and color in the oval next to the candidates we want.
Then we drop our ballot into a big 'ol black, metal box with a big padlock on it.
There were 3 bond issues up for votes.
It was SO close.
One of them was 49% "yes" and 51% "no"...the other two were almost as close.
Two passed: one for a new library.
And one for a stupid recreation thing...improvements on the golf course and a water park thing etc.
Actually, we didn't want any of them.
I had to edit this post because I had seen that only the new library thing had passed and found later that I was misinformed.
Ew. I am monogramming these webbed harness thingies for the Pecos EMS. The bossman asked me to put the stitching lower....near where you would bind the feet of a hurt person on a board for transport...because it'd get LESS BLOOD ON IT THERE! O.K....but Ew. And there are about 15 of them. Gee, that should last Pecos about 10 or 15 years. Unless maybe there would be a horrible oil field explosion....or a nasty tornado etc.
Yes folks, news is slow on to weather.
It's been 88 degrees and 90 one day last week.
Both days...those were the warmest in the state.
Today: high 67 and tonight 32 degrees.
I'm about to bust out my flannel sheets.
Gene and I are both sorry that our fireplace was closed up many years ago.
The chimney doesn't even stick out of the roof anymore.
We enjoyed our fireplace in Kyle very much.
Ya know, I used to cringe whenever I heard someone using really terrible grammar.
I must be getting used to, I find it rather charming....depending on the person.
A recent overheard expression: "Lord, she had money....but Lord, she was tight. Lord, she was as tight as bark on a tree!"
Radio Hotline:
Found-5 gallon bucket of white paint. call to identify.
Wanted-2 Biblical costumes.
That's All.
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