Friends of Pecos

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday News.

Real estate person showed the house this morning and will show again Tuesday afternoon.

Bruce has been visiting us from San Antonio for a few days.
Took him for steaks at the Lodge last night.

Sold some large pieces of furniture last night to some game players that came over games.
They got antique dining room buffet, huge bathroom mirror and an armoire.
What I have left is: marble pedestal, mexican armoire, large wooden bookcase, very large wood dining room table with a leaf....anyone? anyone?
And a ton of christmas stuff and much misc. items.

For Sale-
7 speed bicycle built for 2. (i want that.)
8 track tape player with 24 tapes. $50.
Copper bed pan warmer. (needed that last was 29 degrees.)
A cigarette roller.
Bridle, chaps and 2 ropes on 285 north of Pecos. (uh-oh....some cowboy lost his work equipment!)

That's all.
love, mari

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Dale was here from Austin visiting George in Pyote.
He was on his way to Silver City and beyond to meet up with other bike friends and to go camping.
These pictures were taken a week ago as George, Dale and Doc prepared to take off for a day of cold riding.

A rabid coyote attacked a dog on the edges of town...not good.
Coyote taking shots.
A very large skunk CHASED my neighbor Laura and her dog.
Our neighbors Sib and Bill have caught and killed their resident skunk.

We are already ready to lower the price of our house.
We've just GOT to get some lookers in here....hoping to move in July.
We had our first yard sale yesterday and did well....about $700....haha.... I was on Radio Hotline!
Hell if I know who I'm going to find to buy my large pieces of furniture.

Por mi Familia only: The Col. has been sold. Toby sold it the night before we left for we were there to wave the station wagon G'bye after 31 years of excellent service.

For Sale-
Fertilized geese eggs.
A wringer washer. (someone wants to go back in time and do laundry the old fashioned way!)
2 1/2 Pomeranian puppies. (This cracks me up.)
Working Puppies. (as opposed to lazy ones.)

Spring has arrived in Pecos.
I moved Mother's plumeria outside and the mesquite trees are coming out.

Love, Mary

Sunday, March 15, 2009

COZUMEL, MEXICO Part 5...the beach.

The West side of Cozumel is where all the snorkeling and boating takes's where all the hotels, stores and restaurants are. The East side is called "the wild side" because there is surf, no reefs and can have a serious undertow. There are a string of bars/restaurants over there.
1. Scott goes snorkeling at Corona Beach.
2. Toby relaxes in a hammock at Mezcalitos on the East side.
3. Coconuts on the East side...this is a pretty crazy place and very popular.
4. A view down the beach from Coconuts.
5. Chen Rio on the East side.
6. Gene at Chen Rio.
7. Shane, Scott and Toby hanging out at Bob Marley bar on the East side.
8,9 & 10. The Money Bar on the West side.
11. A fury Catamaran touring past Corona Beach.
12. Gene at Corona Beach.

COZUMEL, MEXICO...Part 4- Critters.

1. Resident dog at Bob Marley Beach/bar.
2. Where's the crab? His camouflage is good, no?
3. A white heron at Corona Beach.
4. A pelican at Corona Beach.
5. Sea urchin in tide pools at Corona Beach.
6. dog at Alicia's B&B.
7. Alicia's new dog Bella. She is lucky to have been adopted from the island humane society.

COZUMEL, MEXICO Part 3....folks.

1. Shane LOVED his full body massage at Corona Beach.
2. Alicia and Mary still smiling after 5 days of silliness.
3. Mary and Tony Rome at his restaurante.
4. Tony's wife...Maria Jose with 6 month old Alan.
5. Toby at corona Beach.
6. Scott at corona Beach.
7. Chuco relaxing between breakfasts.
8. Gene ready to snorkel.

COZUMEL, MEXICO Part 2...Food!

1. Shane enjoys chicken tacos at Corona Beach.
2. Seafood soup at Corona Beach.
3. Mexican fish at corona Beach.
4. A giant mexican fish platter at Chen Rio Beach-sort of a messy presentation but it was very good....lobster, shrimp, grilled fish, conch etc.
5. Just one of the lovely breakfasts that Chuco made us each morning at Alicia's B&B.

COZUMEL, MEXICO Part 1...Odds-n-Ends.

1. The inside of a big palapa...a true work of art.
2. Night time drinks on the beach-Scott, Toby, Gene, Mary and Shane.
3. Toby and Gene on the roof at Alicia's B&B.
4. I'd like to try out this guy's tricycolo.
5. "Stoopin'" out front of Alicia's B&B-Orlando, Scott, Toby and Shane.

Friday, March 6, 2009



What are they?
It's from Midland.
It still runs.
It has found it's way to Pecos.
I love it.