Real estate person showed the house this morning and will show again Tuesday afternoon.
Bruce has been visiting us from San Antonio for a few days.
Took him for steaks at the Lodge last night.
Sold some large pieces of furniture last night to some game players that came over games.
They got antique dining room buffet, huge bathroom mirror and an armoire.
What I have left is: marble pedestal, mexican armoire, large wooden bookcase, very large wood dining room table with a leaf....anyone? anyone?
And a ton of christmas stuff and much misc. items.
For Sale-
7 speed bicycle built for 2. (i want that.)
8 track tape player with 24 tapes. $50.
Copper bed pan warmer. (needed that last was 29 degrees.)
A cigarette roller.
Bridle, chaps and 2 ropes on 285 north of Pecos. (uh-oh....some cowboy lost his work equipment!)
That's all.
love, mari