I was thrilled to find this on the internet today....click on the picture to make it big.
T.B. Pruett who built and owned the home is on the porch on the far right....the white haired man in the bow tie.
His wife Mayme is standing in the yard at the left...behind the bench...she looks like Ma Kettle!
Everybody else are his daughters and son-in-laws, son, grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
It's fun to see what is different about the house now and what remains the same.
I noticed that the foundation was open and now it's enclosed.
The windows on either side of the front door (and the 3 little ones above) are exactly the same....I always wondered if they were original...so, yes they are!
You can't see it very well, but there was a porch swing. We often have looked up on the porch ceiling and talked about the two BIG swing hooks up there. And wondered what the swing looked like and who sat in it.
The spindles that make up part of the porch railing are the exact same ones. They aren't in very good shape these days.
The floor of the porch and the front steps appear to be wood....now they are concrete and aren't in very good shape either.
And of course the siding was wood then and now we have ugly 30 year old siding (not wood) that is brittle and in terrible disrepair.
The windows that have the "X" pattern are still here too. Now they have a better weather proof layer of glass over them.
I'm dying to see what the back of our house looked like then. I know that my art room was a screened in porch.
I love this photo and sometimes wish we could keep this house and pour about $100,000. into it.
It's history and worth fixing up.