Friends of Pecos

Friday, April 23, 2010


Tom Pruett sent me these pictures of his grandfather's lumber company in Pecos. He had at least five stores others in nearby towns.That's T.B. in photo #2 stamding on the left.
This cute little house was T.B. and Mamie's first home that used to be on the spot where our house is now. When they got ready build our house they moved the little 'un to the west a lot or two.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A PECOS REUNION. April 10th. 2010

What a fine time we all had these last few days!! We had 6 overnight guests and about 25 folks here on Saturday afternoon. It's hard to express how delightful and kind ALL of these people are. My favorite overheard comment was: "I haven't seen you since 4th. grade!!!" Thank you to all attended and I hope we'll meet again.
Love, Mary


My darling Gene turns 60.
This is his birthday cake and dinner.
Left to right are: Dr. Tom Pruett, his best pal Buddy (both from Lake Jackson)- our Pecos pal George, Gene, our Pecos friend Peggy, Dub Martin from Center Point which is near Comfort, Ray Thompson from Dallas and Jan Arthur Delk from Austin.