So....the fair was fun I guess...very small and rather cheesy...but something to do.
We were excited to win some ribbons even though there was hardly any competition...(in the arts & crafts division.) We wondered why the snake on the right didn't get a ribbon as we thought it was the best one out of the three. Well, turns out that they ran out of blue ribbons and the snake pictured on the right got a blue ribbon...1st place....they'll mail it to us.
Then I had entered a polymer clay covered ball point pen at the last minute...I was filling out my entry form with it and a little old lady who seemed to be in charge asked about it and I told her how I make them and she urged me to enter it...the pen won a blue ribbon also! It is not pictured because they didn't display it cos they knew someone would steal was the "unseen" winner.
There were alot of very nice quilts again this year and excellent crochet work. The quilt pictured with the green trim features pictures of a teeny town about 16 miles west of here called Toyah.
There's always a couple of big tables to birdhouses that kids make.
The photography was really good.
We bought a very rich chocolate cake from the baked goods table. Gene said" "well....there's a small piece missing." The lady told him that was because they hadda take a bit to judge the darn thing ya know.
I took a picture of "the guys"....AKA my dates for the evening.
That's (left to right) George, Alonzo, Gareth (hte english dude) and Senor Geno in the hat...he's already dreaming of Cozumel...WE LEAVE ON FRIDAY!!!
But we'll leave Pecos on Thursday to drive over to Kyle/ San Marcos to drop off the dogs and meet up with Toby.
Our flight leaves Austin @ 7:30 a.m. Fri. and we gotta go to Houston and then down south to Mexico.
We'll arrive on the island about noon and Jamey will be there an hour or two later. YAY!!! YAY!!!!
Our cat Harold is finally recovering from a HUGE abscess that he got his side after a fight with a nasty, diseased, black, stray cat. I had to rush him to the vet in Monhans 45 miles away because the vet here was out on ranch calls all last week. He spent the night, had surgery and cost me alot of money. Poor Harry...he lost ALOT of weight in 5 days. This lump was at least 3 or 4" wide and wouldn't burst and he had a high fever and quit eating and drinking....MY BABY!!
That's about all the teeny-weeny news from west texas today.
Thanks fer blogging kids!!
Love, mary
WOW! Congrats to Gene and Mary for winning at the County Fair. Doesn't this qualify you for entry at the State Fair???
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