Friends of Pecos

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving pictures.

Toby and Troy left at noon so they could be home by dark.
The snow is melting and that's good cos it's going to be 26 degrees tonight.

These pictures were taken on Friday.


Yesterday we took a drive to Ft. Davis and snow was predicted but we didn't think much of it...ya know...forecasts...."we'll believe when we see it."
Well, we sure saw it.
We drove over to McDonald's observatory and then headed home and it started snowing really hard.
Gene spun the car around going 35mph.
So then we drove home at 25 took a LONG time to get there but we arrived just after dark.
We had to keep stopping to knock the ice off the windshield wiper blades so Gene could see.
All these big ass diesel, four wheel drive trucks were passing us...but that was o.k. cos they created new "ruts" in the snow for gene to drive on.
It wasn't a blizzard or a "white out"...but almost.
I've never seen snow covered horses and cattle before.

I got up this morning around 4 a.m. and there was some snow in the yard etc...not in the streets or sidewalks.
Got up at 8 a.m. and it was really coming down...we got at least 3 inches and it's melting now.
And guess what? It was "BLUE THE PARAKEET" on the bird feeder asking for seed!!!! HE'S ALIVE!

Gene was painting the backyard fence last week and heard someone call his name. No one was there.
His ghost is a lady...mine is a man.
Mine hasn't called me in a long time.

For Sale:
6' tree w/ ornaments and "decortations". (i love those typos!)
13 registered paint broke.
bunch of goats. (how many is that?)
6' bean bag love seat.
part poodle. (what part of the poodle was it?)
someone to fix hole in roof.

That's all.
love, mary

Thursday, November 22, 2007

BEFORE & AFTER. THE FLOOR IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost done...we just lack the "transitions" from the rug to the floor in the doorways.
I have room now for lots and lots of books!
PLEASE comment and tell Gene that is more a DIY guy than he thought.

Friday, November 16, 2007


SO! The editor of the newspaper printed my 2nd letter. I was very surprised and wished that I'd thought it out a little more and written it a little better.....if I thought there was a chance in hell he'd actually print it.
And here it is:
Nov. 9, 2007
Subject: I just read your TYC editorial and don't appreciate most of your comments.

About 10 days ago I emailed you a "letter to the editor" asking your newspaper to focus on something positive at the West Texas State School.
The letter was not acknowledged nor printed in the newspaper.
Unfortunately I did not save a copy of the letter, but that hardly seems to matter.

While a few of your observations may be true, what you surmise for the last half of your editorial is unfair.
No wonder morale is so bad out there and your article didn't help at all.

My husband has been a teacher at the Pyote facility for a year and a half.
He taught at a prison in Kyle for 9 years previously and spent 17 years at Gary Job Corp. before that.
He is a decent, honest, caring and hardworking employee as are so many others at WTSS.

Of course everyone is allowed their opinion.
And of course every government funded operation has their share of problems.

YOU have made me feel very unwelcome in Pecos and just through association....your editorial lets folks assume that everyone working at the Pyote school are idiots who deserve to be fired.
Shame on you.
I ask you again to PLEASE print something positive about WTSS....but oh wait....that wouldn't sell newspapers would it?
I think I'll just stop buying your stupid newspaper.

Mary Poole

A customer at Needleworks was asking for me this morning in regards to this letter. I wasn't there. Then 'Ol Hope Wilson called me this afternoon to thank me for writing the letter and to tell Gene that she appreciates him.

We had a big dust storm on Wed....we hadn't had one in so long. Stupid me...i asked lucy (at needleworks) if there was a fire...she laughed and said "no, it's DIRT." I'm such a "yank!" Well, it just happened so suddenly and when i looked out the window i thought it was SMOKE! When i got home from work the wind had blown the front door open and let allllll that dust in the house....sigh.

I've been picking up good pecans from a tree that's in a yard where nobody food. Mother would be pleased...she always got pretty excited during pecan season. I'm splitting them with Bill and Sib and they have an electric cracker...and will crack our half of the booty and then gene and i will shell them.

THE PICTURES ARE UP FOR THE DECEMBER AUCTION IN CARLSBAD......OOOhhhhh I want the chuckwagon so much!!!! The saddles? Now mary WHY would you want those when you don't even have a horse? I dunno...i just like them. What i'd really like to collect is old spurs...i guess everyone else too cos whenever i see them for sle they sure are pricey. The life size nutcrackers are perfect for bobbie guerra....she, who loves christmas so much! What i SHOULD bid on is a 2003 honda civic with 19,000 miles on it....i'll give them $200...haha. My honda civic is a 1994 and has almost 191,000 miles.

Goat as a pet.
Blind kitten.

That's all for today bloggers.
Love, mary

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hey's CHICKEN TUESDAY! Bowling night for you.

I took these pictures at work today.
These are teeny vintage clothes on display at NEEDLEWORKS...they used to be shown by salesmen who were selling regular sized garments...I.E....these were the samples. They are doll sized. I want them.

And then these are the "vato shirts" that I monogrammed. It took 2 days to make six shirts. There must've been a million stitches in each one. It took 2 hrs. and 45 min. to run the design for each shirt and then another 30 min. or so to hoop the garment before I could sew and then I trim the connecting threads when finished. Somebody got a DEAL cos Peggy didn't realize it'd take so long and only charged them $24. each! It should've been about $40.

And finally this is the west texas sun setting as I leave work....2nd street is not too happening as you can fact almost ALL the streets here are not least downtown they aren't.

Good night dear bloggers.
love, mary

Monday, November 12, 2007


WOW...what are those wierd circle-round ghostly images on the photo of the floor? Dust?
Bennie looks drunk in his picture...he's just sleepy.

Today I mongrammed shirts for a car club.
The design is takes 2 hours and 45 minutes to run each design.
Whoa...peggy really underbid the price on that order.

La Tienda...our grocery store...their t-shirts make me laugh.
They say" "La Tienda...we want to be YOUR store."
Well, I guess so...since it's the ONLY grocery store in Pecos.

There's this teeny old lady at la tienda who is a cashier.
Her name is Mrs. Bryan and she is 84 years old and has worked there since 1965!

Back to the floor....The damn lobby floor is done!
Gene put 2 coats of lemon oil on it.
Now he just needs to put down transitions at the 4 doorways and quarter round trim all around the edges.
It's pretty good...for Geno...he worked hard enough on it.
The wood looks sorta reddish yes?

So....the Pecos "poe-leece" came to our house sat. night.
I was sitting out front on the porch and a cop car came and the guy asked if i had called 911.
I said "no".
Then another cop car arrived and by that time ALL the neighbors were peekin' out their least they didn't use their lights or sireeens.
The policemen said that someone called 911 over a dozen times from a tracphone, used my name and address and gave my cell number.
This really creeps me out in an uncomfortable way.
My name and address is in the phonebook but how did they get my cell number?
I only use it when I travel and no one in town knows the number.
I went and got my cellphone and showed mr. cop that it was turned off and the battery was run out.
I asked what the person said that made the call....he wouldn't tell me...but said "It sounded like they were having a REAL good time!"
Then he asked if just Gene and I live here and I said "yes.".... and then gene toured the 2 cops thru the house so they could see we aren't junkie criminals!
Maybe I should quit emailing "letters to the editor" of the newspaper.
Gene said it was a ghost...yeah, sure...a TALKING ghost?

For Sale:
schnauzer puppier. (is this a new kind of dawg? is it french?)
old roll top desk. $25. (that's cheap.)
t.v. $10. (that's really cheap.)
horse and mobile home. (an excellent's what everyone is pecos aspires to.)
17" ranch/roping saddle and chaps. (this is not an ad we would see back home.)

I guess that's it bloggers.
Keep those comments rolling in.

love, mary

Friday, November 9, 2007


The TYC in Crockett is asking his principal in Pyote for a recommendation.
So we think he MIGHT be offered the job out there.
I'm trying to think of reasons to stay in Pecos....the only one I've come up with so far is that we love our house and it may be hard to sell it. And it'll be alot of work to pack up and move.
What if we stay and the TYC here closes?
Comments? Anyone?



Somebody wants TYC closed.
Can there be any other explanation for the absolute idiocy that has infested the leadership of this state agency this year?

The West Texas State School in Pyote has been the focal point at times, but statewide the story has been one of inept leadership from the top down.

How can this many stupid and/or unethical people be clustered in one agency?
Is this the dumping ground for state administrators to stupid to tie their own shoes?
Judging from the news over the past year, the answer is "yes".

Okay, so let's say our esteemed political leaders did not realize that the rest of the state govt. was using TYC as a convenient trashcan for administrators that were screwing up their depts.
How long does it take to come to that conclusion?

In the months after the local TYC story broke, and it was revealed that the cover-up ran all the way to Austin and then ran around in little circles all over TYC, should not that have been a wake up call?
Apparently not, because it's been more of the same from Austin to Pyote and all stops in between.
Apparently, there are no competent people in the state to hire as administrators.
Either that, or someone is trying to make sure this agency dies.

Here are 2 recent examples.
Statewide the agency is out of overtime pay. So, being brilliant, the order was issued that employees had to work overtime, but would not be paid for it.
Wow, even if it were legal for me to do that, as a business owner, I would not. Can you imagine where morale is within that agency right now? Wow.

And then there is the latest executive order from the sorority girl now in charge of the agency, Dimitria Pope. Pope had decreed that all employees will have new uniforms. The state will buy everybody three polo shirts and the employees have to supply their own black pants.
Really. This is the best that Dimitria can come up with.

"There's no money to pay you lowly workers, but we do have funds to buy matching uniforms."
Sweetheart, that answer might have gotten you an "A" in Home Economics or some class in education major you probably opted for, but I've got bad news for you-it's not going to improve morale or anything else in the real world.

It leaves me with only one question: Who did you sleep with to get this job?

So, I think it is obvious that some folks want to see TYC dead. Otherwise there simply could not be this many stupid people infesting one small wing of the state govt.
My bet is that a politician or three and their cronies have hatched a plan to make a buck out of TYC's closing.
Here is the transcript from the meeting I suspect they had:

"First we help influence the appointment and hiring of absolute idiots to run TYC on all levels.
"Then us politicians pretend to try to help fix the problem and express our concern for the kids, but we do not really do anything, and we make things worse every chance we get.
"The problem has to get worse.
"When Dimitria's brigade of morons really makes a mess of things, then we suggest that the only solution is to privatize the commission, or at least parts of it.
"Then we'll build our own facilities, or buy the state facilities double-cheap, and have one of our friends set up a management company to help run things.
"Or if that does not look like it will work, we will at least try to have as many facilities killed off as possible, to be rebuilt in "better" locations- amazingly, these locations are in our districts where we can skim money off the top as new facilities are built, and we can help hand out fat contracts to our buddies."

That may not be the exact plan, but I bet it is pretty close.
There is no other rational explanation. It is simply inconceivable that this much stupidity accidentally has infested this agency.
Just watch-a money making plan for somebody in the wings.

Smokey Briggs is the editor and publisher of the Pecos Enterprise. He can be emailed at:

Morale is low? Well, duh and Smokey....YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!!
I emailed Mr. Briggs a letter to the editor about 10 days ago asking that he also include in the paper a few POSITIVE articles about the West Texas State School and said that there are alot of decent, caring and hardworking employees out there....oh but wait....that wouldn't sell any newspapers now would it? He chose not to publish my letter.
I wrote him another letter today and I bet ALOT of other people did too!
He could have at least put in ONE sentence in his latest editorial saying that not ALL of the folks out there are bad.
C'mon smokey....THROW US AN F-ING BONE!!!!!
He's entitled to his opinion of course.
My opinion is that ALL govt. agencies have a certain amount of corruption.

C'mon bloggers....give us YOUR comments.

love, mary

Thursday, November 8, 2007


It's just a dude I saw on the CNN website who likes to sit in a bathtub with RATTLESNAKES....and yes, they do still have their fangs and venom.
Come to think of it....he COULD be a pecosite...but he ain't.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


If you shoplift at walmart they don't care. They just ask you not to come in the store anymore. But the shoplifters do go back anyways....they just "keep an eye" on ya....JEEZ!
My boss Peggy is after some shoplifters that stole stuff from needleworks....stupid of them was trying to sell a belt that she stole for $'s a $90. belt!
It's great to be a criminal in Pecos....c'mon out folks....bring your six shooter.
That reminds me that when we drove out to Marathon...we passed a place called "six shooter draw"...that's like a creek or branch ya know. I wondered why it's called that and bet it's a great story.

The other night we were "stoopin'"...(that means a-settin' out on the front porch) and a cop pulled a car over. We heard the "poe-leece-man" say: "You were speeding and ran 2 stop more careful tonight O.K.?" I wonder if the person had on their seatbelt or had insurance...i doubt it.

Neither of the above offenses would go unpunished back where we came from.

IT'S BLUE!!! Our parakeet is there today pigging out on the birdseed and won't let ANY sparrows onto his perch. He was gone so long....we'd given up on 'ol Blue!

Gene is done sanding the damn floor. He estimates that he worked 60 hours on it. Today I bought a huge jug of wood oil. Also today I began cleaning the floors, walls, windows, mirrors, stair bannister, doors, moldings, chandelier... etc.etc.etc. I HAVE to say it....FUCK! We are sorry we even began this project. I'll probably be cleaning up for the rest of my life. Yesterday I vacuumed some parts of the velvet walls and 5 minutes later it was dirty again (no lie!)....the heater was on and there was still some dust in the air I guess. Today I cleaned for about 4 hours.

Last week when I went over to visit Bill & Sib he told me ALL about butcherin' hogs....quite graphically...for more than 30 minutes. It IS fall ya know....that's hog killin' time. I just get such a kick out of those two....I love them. Sib seemed a tiny bit miffed that Bill hogged (pun intended) the weekly conversation....but she says that he doesn't take to women much...but he really likes me and that he combed his hair and tucked in his shirt when it was almost time for me to show up....awwww...he likes me!

Gene had a telphone interview with the TYC in Crockett Texas on Monday. He said it went o.k.

It was such a pretty day today that I should've been outside painting the stupid stairs that I started last weekend.

I have lost 17 lbs.
I had lost 12 between june and oct.
I guess I kicked off another 5 because I havn't been drinking alcohol.
And I've been working hard at Needleworks and at home.
My back do my feet.

On Monday I had to unload Peggy's truck and trailer. She had been to a show/sale in Odessa. I hauled clothes inside and then sorted them and reloaded half of them to go back to the Alpine store. IT TOOK FOUR HOURS...and it was hot. I get to do it again in 10 days when Peggy goes to a show in Lubbock.
Then I monogrammed for the rest of the day.
The Christmas sweaters are in....freaky sweaters. I guess they're pretty if you like that sort of thing...I don't.
Some people collect them.
There's a lady over at the chamber of commerce who wears a different christmas sweater every day of the month of December!

I have managed NOT to go back to any of the monthly auctions in Carlsbad. But it sure is fun to look at pictures online and read the catalog of stuff for sale. They have some odd things. Like a box of animal claws...huh? This last weekend they also auctioned a russian navy wristwatch and a pocketwatch. It was an antique french watch given to Gov. Ford of IL. in 1844....Gee wally, that's old! Also, an 1863 nickel found at Ft. Elliott , Texas. Then it's fun to go online and see what everything sold for.

For Sale:
7 bags of shoes $10. (that's alot of shoes! A junkie is probably selling them!)
Dumbells (HAHAhahahaaaaa....I'm not touching that one with a 10 ft. pole!)

That's all the dumbell news from the land of crime.
Love, Mary
P.S. I just googled "six shooter draw" and it said that the creek was probably named for a six shooter shaped cattle brand registered in 1889. THAT'S not what I expected. I think I'll make my own story!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Of course you tell yourself not to look down....but ya always do look down!
I'm in my paintin' dress workin' on the outside stairs.
It's scary...they are very steep.
Such an UNattractive picture of me....I look like I weigh 300 lbs.
My neighbor ol' Steve came outside and saw me up there and said: "Child, you cain't git to heaven thataway."
Gene sanded these stairs yesterday with his little electric sander.
That's the west side of the house so the hot, hot, hot desert sun peels that paint right up pronto.

While I was up there....I FOUND MY GLASSES!!!!
When I was coming down the stairs I spied them on the ground sorta under the stairs...they'd blown off the outside wall where I'd set them. And I'd looked there before but did not see them.
I'm happy!

Meanwhile Gene is taking a day off of sanding the lobby floor.
He's priming and spray painting the back door....the screen door with the wrought iron's rusty as is the front door...but he thought he'd see how the back one goes before doing the front one where everyone can see his mistakes.

Yesterday I oiled furniture while Gene sanded the floor then we drove out to Ft. Davis to their market days. I guess it's a morning thing because it was only about 3p.m. but the vendors were packing up already. We bought 5 horseshoes, 10 tiles and 2 books.
I love the drive out there and wish we lived in Ft. Davis.
Some of the trees were turning pretty colors.
Actually we should drive out to the Guadalupe mountains...the trees there are sposed to have really pretty fall colors.

It's sposed to be 34 degrees here on Tues. night.

I had to go to Odessa last Friday for a doctor's appt....lordy how i hate to go to odessa.
But the good part was that i went to 2 estate sales and also went to H.E.B. and got mahi-mahi, tilapia and shrimp...yay!! Pecos has no fish.

That's all the dumb Sunday news.
Where's my comments folks?

Love, Mary

Saturday, November 3, 2007


This place is an eco friendly B&B in Marathon.
It's progessive in that they are always adding on.
It's made from straw bales and "paperete" which is sort of a cross between adobe and paper mache.
They do research level organic gardening.
Go to their website to learn more and see their pretty guestrooms.
Oh...and the last picture is of the old jail...I walked up and looked in and it seemed really scary!
Love, mary


Friday, November 2, 2007


FINALLY! SUCCESS! I've been trying to post these pictures for a week and they just wouldn't go.
Last Sat. we drove to's over near Marfa and Alpine...but it wasn't anywhere near as pretty of a's more south east of the mountains...very dry and scrubby see?
Gene was NOT impressed with the town but I liked it alot.
These pictures are of the Gage huh?
Well, not the one of the bathtub plants....that's not at the Gage.
They have a few B&B's and a few galleries and a few eateries and a construction company and realtor. It's fast becoming a resort type place like Alpine and Marfa but on a much teenier scale.

I swear Woodrow....I just don't know how anyone makes any money ranching in West Texas...or why they would want to try it. It takes about 200 acres to raise one cow/steer because it's so dry....lack of water and grass. Yessir....we got lotsa windmills!

Gene has a phone interview with the TYC in Crockett Texas on Monday....we are soooo glad that it's a PHONE interview and he doesn't have to drive 9 hrs. over there.

We have been working on a big monogram order for the transpecos banks at Needleworks. There are 4 in this area...pecos, marathon, alpine and i forgot the other one. Ladies not only ask me to "mammogram" their shirts...two ladies this week asked to "engrave" their jackets.

It takes Gene about 2 hours to hand sand each board in the foyer. He has about 5 more to go...I can't wait to oil it!!! Now he's sanding the back stairs outside and I will paint them...he's using an electric hand sander.

For Sale:
2 adult Seaworld tickets. $45. for both. (Gee, we're a loooong way from there.)
Little Boy. $25. (Something is obviously missing...I wonder what it is?)
a dick tracy style hat.
Men's platform shoes for halloween. (oh c'mon...he'll wear them to church also.)
To Give:
3 ducks, a rooster, a chicken. (anyone? anyone?)

That's all bloggers.
Love, mary