The TYC in Crockett is asking his principal in Pyote for a recommendation.
So we think he MIGHT be offered the job out there.
I'm trying to think of reasons to stay in Pecos....the only one I've come up with so far is that we love our house and it may be hard to sell it. And it'll be alot of work to pack up and move.
What if we stay and the TYC here closes?
Comments? Anyone?
Somebody wants TYC closed.
Can there be any other explanation for the absolute idiocy that has infested the leadership of this state agency this year?
The West Texas State School in Pyote has been the focal point at times, but statewide the story has been one of inept leadership from the top down.
How can this many stupid and/or unethical people be clustered in one agency?
Is this the dumping ground for state administrators to stupid to tie their own shoes?
Judging from the news over the past year, the answer is "yes".
Okay, so let's say our esteemed political leaders did not realize that the rest of the state govt. was using TYC as a convenient trashcan for administrators that were screwing up their depts.
How long does it take to come to that conclusion?
In the months after the local TYC story broke, and it was revealed that the cover-up ran all the way to Austin and then ran around in little circles all over TYC, should not that have been a wake up call?
Apparently not, because it's been more of the same from Austin to Pyote and all stops in between.
Apparently, there are no competent people in the state to hire as administrators.
Either that, or someone is trying to make sure this agency dies.
Here are 2 recent examples.
Statewide the agency is out of overtime pay. So, being brilliant, the order was issued that employees had to work overtime, but would not be paid for it.
Wow, even if it were legal for me to do that, as a business owner, I would not. Can you imagine where morale is within that agency right now? Wow.
And then there is the latest executive order from the sorority girl now in charge of the agency, Dimitria Pope. Pope had decreed that all employees will have new uniforms. The state will buy everybody three polo shirts and the employees have to supply their own black pants.
Really. This is the best that Dimitria can come up with.
"There's no money to pay you lowly workers, but we do have funds to buy matching uniforms."
Sweetheart, that answer might have gotten you an "A" in Home Economics or some class in education major you probably opted for, but I've got bad news for you-it's not going to improve morale or anything else in the real world.
It leaves me with only one question: Who did you sleep with to get this job?
So, I think it is obvious that some folks want to see TYC dead. Otherwise there simply could not be this many stupid people infesting one small wing of the state govt.
My bet is that a politician or three and their cronies have hatched a plan to make a buck out of TYC's closing.
Here is the transcript from the meeting I suspect they had:
"First we help influence the appointment and hiring of absolute idiots to run TYC on all levels.
"Then us politicians pretend to try to help fix the problem and express our concern for the kids, but we do not really do anything, and we make things worse every chance we get.
"The problem has to get worse.
"When Dimitria's brigade of morons really makes a mess of things, then we suggest that the only solution is to privatize the commission, or at least parts of it.
"Then we'll build our own facilities, or buy the state facilities double-cheap, and have one of our friends set up a management company to help run things.
"Or if that does not look like it will work, we will at least try to have as many facilities killed off as possible, to be rebuilt in "better" locations- amazingly, these locations are in our districts where we can skim money off the top as new facilities are built, and we can help hand out fat contracts to our buddies."
That may not be the exact plan, but I bet it is pretty close.
There is no other rational explanation. It is simply inconceivable that this much stupidity accidentally has infested this agency.
Just watch-a money making plan for somebody in the wings.
Smokey Briggs is the editor and publisher of the Pecos Enterprise. He can be emailed at:
Morale is low? Well, duh and Smokey....YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!!
I emailed Mr. Briggs a letter to the editor about 10 days ago asking that he also include in the paper a few POSITIVE articles about the West Texas State School and said that there are alot of decent, caring and hardworking employees out there....oh but wait....that wouldn't sell any newspapers now would it? He chose not to publish my letter.
I wrote him another letter today and I bet ALOT of other people did too!
He could have at least put in ONE sentence in his latest editorial saying that not ALL of the folks out there are bad.
C'mon smokey....THROW US AN F-ING BONE!!!!!
He's entitled to his opinion of course.
My opinion is that ALL govt. agencies have a certain amount of corruption.
C'mon bloggers....give us YOUR comments.
love, mary