Friends of Pecos

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Just odds-n-ends because I havn't blogged in awhile.

I have a cold.
My boss Peggy has had a BAD cold. Yesterday she said that if she had a dollar for each time she blows her nose...we could all retire.

Our newspaper is such a joke...really...the news makes me laugh out loud.
"Brother Wesley Hapham receives the GOLDEN TROWEL award from Pecos Valley Lodge. It is one of the most prestigious forms of recognition." And then all these old guys are pictured wearing their lodge aprons.
The paper comes out twice a week and is about 6 or 8 pages and costs a DOLLAR.

Pecos trivia.
In 1886 the population was 200.
Today it's about 9,000.
I found a picture today of T.B. Pruett's lumber yard in 1896...I got pretty excited about it and will go to the museum tomorrow to make a copy. I've always wondered what his store looked like. There's a good story that goes with the picture about a thief who was running away from a banker...and he dodged into the lumber yard long enough to steal a page of blank checks. I'll include the story with the picture.

There was an article in the san marcos newspaper last week about this man named Robert Pruett who lives there and makes the most beautiful spurs. It said he grew up in west texas. Being the nutty person that I am...I wrote him a letter and asked if he was related to T.B or P.H. Pruett. He called me right up and was so nice. Turns out his great grandfather was P.H. Pruett who was T.B.'s brother and the first white settler of Ft. Davis. This man (Robert) grew up in Marfa. He is the sole male descendant of his family and invited me over to his house any time I'm in San Marcos to see his old pictures and family bible etc. He said that none of his clan really knew T.B. or any of his family. Small world.

2 tree stumps. (huh...a new weird one.)
2 small pumpkins. (i'm always newly amazed.)
"PA! DON'T THROW AWAY PERFECTLY GOOD USED PUMPKINS OR THEM 2 TREE STUMPS....doncha know kids are starving in other countries?"

2 people to build a U-Haul. (uh....o.k.)
Someone to make clothes for dogs. (OMG...i see this person listing dogs for sale...dogs of all kinds...she probably runs a damn puppy mill...but at least they must be well dressed.)
Someone who can do a singing telegram.

So, last weekend was another big auction in Carlsbad. That means somebody else now owns MY chuckwagon! I've been waiting to see the realized prices posted on their website but so far they have not put them up.
Some of the hundreds of items for sale were:
12 erector sets.
7 boxes of cookbooks.
A small backyard roller coaster. (kiddiepark in San Antonio!)
8 police cars.

This blog is dumb.
I'm going to read.
I'm SO addicted to ordering used books online.

love, mary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is an interesting reflection from the view point of a newcomer to Pecos.

Hmmm...those old guys are special...some of them helped honor my father, their lodge brother in life and death.
Judye Vaughn