Last Friday was my birthday.
I was 54 years old, so was born in 1954...what does that mean?
I planted some pansies and it made me think of my Mom...she loved them.
One of my earliest memories is of she and I planting pansies in a round flowerbed in San Antonio.
I made an orange spice cake in my new oven and was pretty proud of it.
Actually I made 2 cakes.
One for us and one for the museum bake sale.
We went to the Pecos Social Lodge and ate steak and took the cake and shared it.
Had a few drinks and were home by 9 p.m.
Big Deal.
Then on Saturday we drove to Seminole, Texas to the trade days there....thus the 270 miles...round trip.
The only interesting thing worth taking a picture of was this cool clock on the town square.
Lots of red dirt, dozens and dozens and dozens of oil wells and fields of cotton.
You go East to Odessa...then north to Seminole and thru Andrews on the way.
Trade days wasn't much....I was expecting alot more was just mostly crap.
But we DID find a booth that had the BEST homemade tamales...we got a dozen.
We came home the back way...(not on IH 20)...thru Kermit and wink and Pyote....lots of sand dunes.
I much prefer to travel West and/or South where the mountains are.
The radio played a song by KAJAGOOGOO the other day.
I almost fell outta chair.
First of all it's an OLD song and second of all that band is rather obscure.
Actually only Jamey will probably care or recognize this paragraph.
For mi familia only: I was tempted to put a dime in my birthday cake.
Radio Hotline:
For Sale:
2 year old philly. (nice typo!)
Red and white goat with a blue collar.
I'm cold.
We got our first big front from the North today.
The wind is blowing around alot of dirt, trash and tumbleweeds.
It's going to be in the 30's tonight.
That's all.
Love the World.