There are now 7 girls instead of nine.
We had a good time....they are all getting so grown up.
Their ages are from 8 to 11 years old.
They sang carols and exchanged gifts and had pizza and lots of sweets.
This was their 3rd Christmas to come over.
I always make each girl a Christmas necklace.
This year we all pinned jingle bells to our socks.
They were also awarded their prizes for selling girl scout cookies...hence the teddy bears etc.
Another thing I always do is to send them home with a little bag of Christmas candy and toys.
I made Rice Krispy Candy for their bags....Mother's have been making it since 1939.
Each girl had made me a Christmas card...the handmade ones are so much cuter and funnier than a bought one.
I am continuing my verbal education here in Pecos.
I found out ,last week at work that a knit cap is called a "beanie" and that a sweatshirt is a "sweater".
A bird pooped on the doorknob.
What are chances of that?
Of course I put my hand in it.
We have a new liquor store....there are two now.
Gene asked to see the wine area.
The owner pointed him towards to Boone's Farm...seriously....that's ALL they had to offer!
A transformer costume.
Baby bathtub ring. (Haha...WTF?)
Old, long haired dog.
A pumpkin.
For Sale:
Whirlpool water $50. (HAHA...something's missing on that one.)
Love, Mary
Dear Mary,
Nice photos. This is really a GOOD thing to do each year. I bet the girls really look forward to it. Your house and the decorations look great.
Ya did good by the Brownies, as usual - but where are the doggies and kitties?
Love, R.B.
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