Gene, the husband.
Tony, Yvonne's companion.
Bob, the brother.
New Year's Eve 2008.
It's 24 degrees here this morning.
All 4 pets were on my bed last night.
It was quite crowded and there was much jockeying for position.
Gene must've become a real west texas pioneer.
He never turns the heater on upstairs at night when he goes to bed up there.....unless we have guests staying up there.
I go out each morning and pour hot water in the birdbath because I feel sorry for the birds trying to peck through the ice.
I've been making homemade suet for the birds....they like it pretty well.
You're supposed to give it to them in cold weather cause it has alot of fat in it to keep 'em warm.
It's crisco, peanut butter, cornmeal, flour, oats and then you whatever else you have on hand....like raisins, old apples, nuts etc.
We are supposed to hear at the end of the month if the West Texas State School in Pyote will remain open.
Yeah, right.
I saw online last night that the Job Corps. in McKinney is looking for a Health teacher.
Gene taught Health at Gary Job Corps. in San Marcos for 17 years....but he's not actually certified.
We are trying to make a plan B.
We went for steak at the Social Lodge Friday night....great as always....George went too.
He's been our guest so often they might make him join.
The social lodge has been burglarized twice in the last five weeks....stupid junkies.
An arrest was made a few days ago but I bet they don't get prosecuted because our district attorney (Randy Reynolds) is an idiot.
The person who broke into Needleworks was caught and apparently isn't going to trial for it.
Jeez...if Gene's gets laid off from teaching...maybe he should just become a petty criminal.
I was doing some research at the museum last week.
It was a newspaper from 1930:
They had snow 30 miles from here in Balmorhea....IN APRIL!
"Bob Christian with a beard that would entitle him to take part in a Passion Play was down from the ranch this week. We sent him home all slicked up."
There's a column in the paper called "17 years ago today".
April 4, 1930-17 years ago today:
Officers Dotoy and Moorhead went to Saragosa today, to investigate the bank robbery at that place. W.H. Drummond and T.B. Pruett also went to visit the scene of the blowout."
Of course T.B. was the builder of our house.
His neice was married to officer Moorhead.
The bank was dynamited and I'm sure was big excitement in these parts.
April 11, 1930- 17 years ago today.
"Hon. T.B. Pruett made a trip to Toyah this week in the interest of his branch lumberyard at that place, and to wake up Charlie Jordan, who is managing that place."
For Sale-
5 or 6 person prom dresses. (What?)
Treadmill and shower chair. (That's an odd combination.)
Paddleboat. (That would be a fun thing to have.)
9mm handgun. (Yikes.)
Button orkey accordian. (I looked at that a long time and realized it was OR KEY not orkey.)
That's all dear bloggers.
Love, Mary