Left Pecos Sat. a.m. at 8:50
Got to San Antonio at 3:15
Were there 18 hrs.
Slept for 8 hrs...that left 10 hrs. for loading and visiting.
We sold Yvonne's lawn furniture (for very little money) to Gene's friend Alonzo...so we hauled it home.
I think we'll be selling most of her things for not much money.
Between Ft. Stockton and Junction there are dozens and dozens of dead deer.
I got tired of looking at 'em.
Even the buzzards are tired of them and don't want them.
They fight over the few dead javelina.
These are big west texas mule deer....not the smaller hill country deer.
I'd NEVER drive that part of IH 10 at night.
We saw plenty of folks RV-ing.
A big group from Canada and others from Alaska, Georgia, California and New York.
They said "Hi" to Dan and Bobbie.
It sure looks and feels funny to go from the small towns of Pecos, Ozona, Sonora etc. into the big city of S.A.
We don't like it and probably won't go back for a few months...unless the trailer sells.
That was Gene's 4th trip there in 7 weeks.
I was shocked that the Dairy Go Round was empty of cows and the sign was gone.
That's a diary about 20 miles south of Pecos.
Possibly they couldn't afford to feed the bovines anymore and sold them off.
The drought is getting bad.
There doesn't seem to be any probate in Pecos.
Some of our friends don't even know what it IS!
Last week a hawk flew by the front door....right onto the porch.
I looked out the window and he'd snatched a little sparrow and was killin' it with his talons and beak.
My cat Missy was watching and she said:
A. Wish I was that hawk.
B. Glad I'm not that sparrow.
C. Yikes!
For Sale-
300 movies.
A/C and firewood. (good combination.)
Cash register. (it's probably from some burglary)
Police scanner. ( to keep up with the burglaries? or so that burglars know if the cops are coming?)
Clip on neck ties. (you've GOT to be kidding me)
Lap robes for injured soldiers. (that's a strange one.)
Freezin' in the morning.
Fryin' in the afternoon.
That's all bloggers.
Please comment.
You know who you are.
Love, Mary
Course by the time I got my camera....he was gone...sparrow in tow.
Yo Mari,
The lady next door swears that the Hawks have taken some of her cats. Better tell Missy not to get too close to dem dar Hawks.
The probate for Yvonne's estate is going to have to be done here in Bexar County, yes? Have you got a court date yet? I know that you remember how to do .... from Mom's estate.
I agree with Dan, my schnauzer, Reggie can attest to that he swears a hawk would chase him when we lived in San Antonio.
So, when you saw this hawk...was there a medicine woman in the vicinity????
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