Last Thursday I brought Sheila's daughter over and showed her how to make a bottlecap snake. Her name is Hartley...she is 11 years old and she LOVES to make crafts. Sheila is my dog groomer. They live about 45 miles north of here at Red Bluff Lake. Hartley can RIDE that tractor seat!!!
Gene and I went to have a Bar-B-Que lunch with Sheila and her husband Tommy and son Dakotah and Hartley on Saturday at their place at the lake.
You probably can't see it...but this cowboy is working under his Jeep just up the block from us. Only in Pecos will ya see cowboy boots plus spurs stickin' out from under a vehicle!
If you watch the teevee show "BLACK GOLD" you'll understand photo #3...if not...nevermind. This picture was taken about 12 miles north of Pecos on the way to Red Bluff Lake.
A cantaloupe that neighbor Regina brought us 2....not sure exactly where they were grown..probably Coyanosa....but of course...from this area....they are good 'uns.
In our alley, out back...there is a salt cedar tree right by the dumpster...there is a hen under that tree with her 5 or 6 darling baby chicks. Bennie wants to eat them. He went in....She came out fightin' happens everyday when Gene takes the dogs out in the alley for their afternoon run.
We have a skunk in our neighborhood. We saw him hurrying across the intersection the other night.
Wanted: maracas and mexican hats.
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