Everything about this picture is bad....lighting, hair, etc.etc...but note the paint brush behind my ear....makes it O.K.
I had a local newspaper with a picture of the breaking of ground for the new animal shelter....and forgot to save it....Grrr.
It's going to be out on IH 20 by the county jail.
Cost: $275,000.
Will keep you posted.
George gave me a dutch oven.
I'm gonna dig a hole and make biscuits....and maybe other stuff too.
I guess that will be the next blog picture.
Stand by.
Gene made the absolute BEST pork ribs last weekend.
Now that we have an oven to pre-cook 'em in....and then toss 'em on the grill....Mmmmmmm...perfection!
I'm a FREAK!
Because I don't like football.
Local, college, NFL....who cares....I HATE IT!
Thus....I'm an outcast.
It's been in the 20's on and off for 4 nights...and we STILL have flies.
Where do they go?
In a hidey hole with coats and fly sized heaters.
We hadda buy new fly swatters.
For Sale-
full blood wolf. (who would want that?)
A goat.
Western cowboy party decor.
Great white pyranese dog, from cattle guard #17, 4 miles north of Wickett. (well, THAT's out in the middle of f-ing NOWHERE!)
Yo! Mari,
So what's the story behind the picture? Whatch doin?
Dear Mary,
The paintbrush behind the ear looks really, really artsy. I think you should keep one there all the time, even when going to the supermarket.
Well Mary, I'm an outcast with you. We can sit together while the rest of the crew yells at the tv when the Cowboys play.
You should have heard some of the reactions I got to the opinion column I wrote about the time and money wasted on sports and how kids should be concentrating on education instead.
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