Friends of Pecos

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A NEW GLASS ART PIECE. i'm an idiot and don't care because the picture of my glass is sideways....cock your head real hard to the left. It's pretty large and i'm pretty proud. It was a great feeling to twist up some wire/glass again. Now i need to make a trip back to austin for more glass.

The other picture is of a wardrobe screen that i bought at an antique store in Ft. Davis last had no fabric in it and i FINALLY got it fixed up. The petticoat i took out of the dumpster at work the other day...yes, i dumpster dive now...NOT! I have no idea what made me look in there as i tossed the store trash. It looked like the leavings of a garage sale.

we got an inch of rain yesterday and four tenths today. yesterday there was lots of wind and lightening....any moisture is most welcome.

I fell down while walking the dogs this morning and am pretty sore...whatta dumb ass.

More later about the million and one wrangler shirts we are embroidering at work for rodeo...i'm scared. NOW we'll see just what that mary poole is made of!!!

I just love my neighbors Bill and Sib Higginbottham. I love the way she talks:
"Oh, that just worrried the hound out of me."
"Well, I tell you...that really upset my apple cart."

love, mary

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