This is the hanging thingie that Gene made from our beach combing on Cozumel.
More hummingbirds...they all share and don't chase each other away much...we have 4 feeders.
This is the dining room centerpiece that I made for open house.
Debbie from the museum was on the local radio the other day and mentioned our open house this Wednesday...
We should have a big group and we've been working hard getting the place ready.
I was at the museum yesterday and met the new bartender. His name is Jesse and he's a white boy. Pancho...the bartender of about 40 years is trying hard not to be jealous. Jesse has underwear...and can talk...Pancho goes "commando" and is mute. Pancho's retirement party is in more about all that later.
We had a BIG storm this morning at about 5 a.m.
The thunder was SO loud and the lightening constant.
Bennie was whining and barking and both dogs were cowering and snuggling up to me in bed.
Both cats were outside....Missy came in...Harold did not...I felt sorry for him.
It's such an unusual occurrence that the pets just don't know WHAT to do.
It lasted over an hour and we got 8 tenths of an inch....yay!!!!
Out here...of course, water is our most precious commodity.
Gene got up at 7 a.m. to weed eat the front yard and I told him he'd get we went back to bed.
I worked Mon., Tues., Wed. this past week and it was a monogramming hell let me tell ya.
There were machine problems and folks always wait til the last minute to bring their stuff in to get done....even though we ask them not to.
We put "West of Pecos Rodeo" down one sleeve and then a tri colored cow skull on the front with "Director" under it. People have NO idea what a pain the ass it is to monogram on a sleeve!!!!
It took me almost 5 hours to do 10 shirts.
Last year when I had hurt my knee and couldn't work Peggy did 116 of them!!!!!!!
This year we are at around 40 or 50...I quit counting.
Today I sent museum newsletters to Brook, Dave and Jane.
If anyone else would like one just speak up.
The museum looks SO nice...they have been doing alot of sprucing up the last couple of months.
I am volunteering during the Old Timer's Reunion on wed. morning...then it's the rodeo parade..then our open house from 2 to 5p.m.
Gene is taking Wed. off from work...he's never been able to see the parade cos he's always at work.
Toby and his friend Scott should arrive here wed. or thurs.
Friday night we will all go to the rodeo.
Jamey will arrive Sat. and we'll do the rodeo again.
Our local newspaper comes out every Mon. and Friday.
Ya know...only in Pecos can a person pass away Monday morning (which Bill Oglesby did last week...God bless him)and have your obit appear in the paper that afternoon and then have your funeral Wed. morning.
He was an old timer and I heard his funeral was HUGE...folks came from quite far away to bid him "Adieu".
For Sale-
25 bags of cans.
vehicle that runs, $300. range. (maybe they should just get a nice bicycle...I mean what the hell kind of car can you buy for that price?)
Breast pump. (Ew...a USED one?)
Lots of turtles. (Hahahahaha.)
Horse, red sorrow north of Barstow. (That cracked me up..."sorrow" instead of "sorrel".)
That's all bloggers.
Thanks for bloggity bloggin' with me.
love, mary
Happy Rodeoing Mari! Wish we could be there. Maybe next year.
Ya mean I'm going to have to send Ol' Red the red sorrel back to Barstow??!! Dang - he likes down here.
mean as a snake...haha..
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