What we have here folks is a bunch of sideways art...cos i'm feelin' sorta sideways...and STUPID!
Then since Gene is my #1 pet....see, he LOVES bottlecaps!
Click on the picture of Harold the cat to see how beautiful his eyeballs are...AND he matches the couch.
Willie and Bennie keep a sharp lookout for neer do wells...and other pecos evil.
They do this for hours...so as the sun sinks slowly into the west.....
Not only is Elmer Kelton going to be the speaker at the chamber of commerce banquet next month...i found out today that we are to be entertained by Terra Peters. She's a singer who goes to Sul Ross University in Alpine and is from Marathon. I first heard her at the Ft. Stockton museum banquet when we first moved here. She has recently put out her first Cd of original music...she's only about 19...and sings very high and sweet country music.
I think I might go to Kyle/Austin for a few days....i feel the need to get out of dodge.
Work was really hard today...i have pain.
Hey Brook....the "girl leg" spurs sold for $850. at the auction.
I would've bought the 2 pair of kids spurs for $40. if i'd been there when they were on the block.
i could've hung 'em with my stirrups....in the computer room.
the 1928 peter hurd painting that was estimated for $15,000.-$20,000 sold for $10,000.
Also...a 1861 confederate five dollar bill sold for $100.
For Sale:
trick bike $35. (what kind of tricks can it do?)
4 acres of pecans...wants one group to pick these up "on the halves." (my back hurts just thinking about it.)
ice cream maker $2. (you must be kidding me...this person must need $2. bad!)
someone to work on a barber chair.
provider in saragosa area. (to provide what?)
palm trees any size. (don't they know this is desert country?)
we had a big wind storm last night and today...it's gone now and so is everything that wasn't tied down.
on that big bit of news...i guess i'll go to bed and dream of the beach...any beach.
love, mare