It's not very often that you see a headstone for a guy that was in the "Confederate States Army."
Well, we sure had a good time at the auction.
George came over and picked us up and we went in his truck.
Gene had not been across the state line since we've lived here (except for when we went to Ojinaga...which is t'other way.)
A BIG deer...a buck.... tried to run out in front of George's truck on the way there but wisely changed his mind at the last minute...he was very pretty.
We left the auction at about 4:30 and they were only selling lot #480 by then...out of about 800 items.
So I didn't get to see them auction the spurs, turquoise jewelry etc.
Gene and George had left earlier and gone to eat mexican food and drive around Carlsbad (i couldn't tear myself away and had already seen the town).
They went and saw how big the pecos river is there....New Mexico stole our river big time!!! And they have nice parks etc.
The auction was much more crowded this time...they had a full house and alot of folks were dealers or own stores. I didn't even get my card in the air for some of the items up for bids....the bidding just took off!
I bought 3 chairs, a doll cradle, 3 old quilts and 2 big boxes of linens that had lots of gloves in the bottom of the box. And one box had an old pair of ladies high top shoes in it. My chairs just need to be cleaned up a little.
I was really sorry to miss out on a set of 13 volumes of charles dickens books that were bound in leather and stamped with gold. They sold for $70. and i quit bidding at $50...i should've kept going.
Also a set of 12 volumes of leather bound waverly novels...but they went for $125...too rich for my blood.
And they sure had alot of them...they were selling off boxes and boxes of their antique reference books.
i also lost out on some western books.
Now, i have to tell you how funny the auctioneers are. There are 3 guys and they take turns babbling about every hour.
I bet they get tired...and one of the guys got the hiccups while he was babbling and everyone was laughing about that.
"There's no such thing as friends at an auction folks." (two pals were bidding against each other.)
"Next we have a nice hooked rug...made by a genuine hooker."
"This here rug is perforated." (it had holes in it.)
"oh...and he didn't own it very long." (as the bidding went high at a fast rate and a guy dropped out of the bidding.)
well, ya just had to be there to get the feeling...but you get the idea.
Today, as the auction continues...they are selling a peter hurd painting from 1928 and the estimated value is $15,000. to $25,000.!!! I've never seen an item there that cost that much...wonder how much they'll get for it? Saw a lady buy a mink coat yesterday that was appraised at $5,500. and she got it for $350.
For Sale:
barbed wire art.
metal screws. (are there any other kind?)
42 pair of jeans for $10.
a clock that works. (you've GOT to be kidding me!)
an aloe vera plant.
That's all for now kids.
love, mary
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