It was hot...but by evening at the Rodeo it had cooled down a bit and there was some breeze.
Scott and his son Indy were here for 3 days from Wimberley and the Higgins' were here for 2 nights from Tom Bean.
Debra was here for one night from Midland.
My local side kick Peggy was around daily.
We ate grilled sausage, shrimp and chicken....and local home made tamales etc.etc.
Played games one night.
During the day Saturday all the guys went out to the Balmorhea swimming pool.
Scott, Peggy and I hit an estate sale on Friday.
Gene went to rodeo every night: Wed.-Sat.
Indy went with him on Thurs. and Fri....and EVERYONE went on Sat.
I didn't take enough pictures....and some of them aren't very good.
Having company is fun.
1. C.J. and Debra at the rodeo.
2. Alex at the rodeo.
3. Saturday night dinner.
4.&5. Scott enjoyed photographing our hummingbirds.