It's just a little small town parade.
No bands.
Lots of horses mostly.
The theme was "Pecos Bill".
He's the west texas version of Paul Bunyon.
He fell off a covered wagon when he was a baby and was raised by coyotes. He lassoed a tornado with his giant lasso made from a giant rattlesnake. He took a stick and dug the rio Grande. He rode a giant catfish....etc.etc.
Photo #1. is cute Hartley riding her horse "Tiny".
Lots of cute little kids on their horses. You can tell they were practically born in a saddle.
#6. is my favorite. This dog is no dummy. It was soooo hot....he was hitchin' a ride.
The last picture is part of the float I worked on. I drew the picture of Pecos Bill....not bad....but not great either.
Waaaal, I think that it's a great parade ...... San Antonio doesn't even HAVE a rodeo parade anymore, let alone sittin' around listening to the old timers' yarns.
wow, cool painting of Pecos Bill!! nice job mom :)
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