Here's my new antique dining room buffet.
The leaded glass window on the right sustained some damage in transport...but can be mended....that's why it's not there.
The dogs were barking their heads off last night about 9 p.m....i didn't see anything.
Turned out it was a guy trotting his horse down the street.
Jamey and i are going to marfa for one night while she's here...we just gotta check out the art galleries. We are staying at the paisano hotel...cool.
That's it in the picture above.
It's the hotel that james dean, elizabeth taylor etc. stayed in during the filming of the movie GIANT in the 1950's.
My surgeon flies his little airplane from odessa to alpine every wednesday to see patients and perform surgeries...then flies to pecos to see patients and then back to odessa....cool huh? He always enters the office (always in a bow tie) trailing his entourage of nurse, receptionist and other helpers....he's always very late.
For Sale:
3 refridgerated shitzu puppies. (huh?)
treadmill $10. (TEN dollars? what it is it....circa 1960?)
manual typewriter. (makes me think of my father...and grandfather.)
That's all the stupid, boring news.
Love, mary
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