A skunk runs thru it...our yard that is.
2:30 a.m.....3 nights ago.
Bennie met and chased the skunk.
Score: skunk 1 point....Bennie none.
Maybe I should give the skunk only a half point since he got only a drop or 2 of stench ON the dog.
Maybe I should give Bennie a half point for scaring the hell outta the skunk.
Now, some dogs LIKE the stink of skunk....they'll roll in a dead skunk if they find one.
Super diva(o), prima donna(o) Bennie does NOT like the smell.
He brought the smell onto my bed and kept jumping off the bed and getting back up there and saying "P.U.!"
We went thru 3 dog blankets and a towel before he was satisfied and went back to sleep.
This picture is not our actual skunk...I just got it off the internet.
This other picture is of golden eagle rays off the Yucatan Peninsula. It was taken last week. They measure 7 feet across and were looking for more desirable waters....a migration sort of.
I was taking out the trash from Needleworks today and saw an empty shotgun shell on the ground next to my car...only in Pecos. Wierdos.
There was a scathing half page ad in the Monday newspaper by the new Pecos Humane Society...thought i was GOING TO ACTUALLY PUKE!!!!!!!!! It told about horrible conditions at our city animal shelter....I didn't even know it was still open. Dogs packed into cages with no food or water. They were drinking urine and eating feces because they were so hungry and thirsty.
It asked "how bad do the conditions have to be before the State or City shuts down the pound??" GOD ALMIGHTY.....HOW BASIC IS IT TO GIVE AN ANIMAL SOME F-ING WATER????????????? It takes like a few minutes.
WHERE IS OUR NEW ANIMAL SHELTER ...that we've been promised for months?
Someone make it stop already!!!
I won't even get into the story I want to tell about our inept police dept. and school system.
I have friends who experienced this ridiculous excuse for both agencies last week.
I'm off to Dallas tomorrow for my niece Laurie's wedding...should I come back?
Love, mary