Friends of Pecos

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Yesterday we took a drive to Ft. Davis and snow was predicted but we didn't think much of it...ya know...forecasts...."we'll believe when we see it."
Well, we sure saw it.
We drove over to McDonald's observatory and then headed home and it started snowing really hard.
Gene spun the car around going 35mph.
So then we drove home at 25 took a LONG time to get there but we arrived just after dark.
We had to keep stopping to knock the ice off the windshield wiper blades so Gene could see.
All these big ass diesel, four wheel drive trucks were passing us...but that was o.k. cos they created new "ruts" in the snow for gene to drive on.
It wasn't a blizzard or a "white out"...but almost.
I've never seen snow covered horses and cattle before.

I got up this morning around 4 a.m. and there was some snow in the yard etc...not in the streets or sidewalks.
Got up at 8 a.m. and it was really coming down...we got at least 3 inches and it's melting now.
And guess what? It was "BLUE THE PARAKEET" on the bird feeder asking for seed!!!! HE'S ALIVE!

Gene was painting the backyard fence last week and heard someone call his name. No one was there.
His ghost is a lady...mine is a man.
Mine hasn't called me in a long time.

For Sale:
6' tree w/ ornaments and "decortations". (i love those typos!)
13 registered paint broke.
bunch of goats. (how many is that?)
6' bean bag love seat.
part poodle. (what part of the poodle was it?)
someone to fix hole in roof.

That's all.
love, mary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,
That is a heck of a lot of snow! I'm glad you got home OK in the car. great news that the Blue parakeet is alive and well or hungry, at least. Can you imagine being a cowboy in the old days in that snow? yuck.