Sometime between the hours of 10 p.m. tuesday and 4 p.m. wednesday somebody stabbed to death a couple that own a beer joint here. The place is called D.J.'s and is about 10 blocks from our house. Rick just had his 50th birthday last week and his wife A.J. was 48 years old. Their son found them wednesday afternoon (in the business) after being unable to contact them all day.
We didn't know them but everyone else did and this awful crime is all anyone is talking about here. The suspect is a man from Pecos who spent the last 17 years in jail. He stole their truck and I heard today that they found the truck in Round Rock, Texas.
It's just really ,really sad...the unspeakable things that people do to one another.
Rick and A.J. were decent, hard working people who surely didn't deserve this...the whole town is very upset!
They are going to missed for a long time.
Dr. Darpolar's funeral is tomorrow. He died 12 days ago leaving behind six children. He lived here for 14 years and delivered 1,000 babies. That was his specialty but hundreds of folks went to him for every reason...including us. They have been holding up the funeral so that family members can get here from Liberia, West Africa...where he was from.
His wife and children will continue to call Pecos their home.
He is going to be missed for a long time.
Pecos has had only A HALF INCH OF RAIN so far this year!!!!
The local newspaper is beginning to feature a couple of Pets Of The Week....soooo cool and a good idea.
They are cats-n- dogs rescued by Ruth of course.
We are going to the Pecos Social Lodge again tonight for steak and libations.
We are going to join...dues are $75. per couple per year.
Maybe I'll make a few new friends.
For Sale-
22 goats $40. each.
A lady to ride with her to the flea market.
Speaking of flea markets...I've just about decided not to go to the auction in Odessa that I've been looking forward to for so long. My funds are low...but I SURE DO WANT THIS WAGON WHEEL!!! Anyone? anyone? Should I go? Just how high is the bidding going to get on this here wagon wheel?
Damn!! Things like this don't happen in Pecos. Isn't the murder rate less than 1 per year? So, was the suspect a local or was he an outsider?
Take care Mari
So where were Sgt Dudley Dooright and his sidekick Barney Fife of the Pecos P.D. when there was all this here crime to be fought?
I'd buy the wagon wheel - unless there's some real crazies out there, it's gonna be a lot cheaper there than back here!
Dear Mary,
Wow, big news about the double murder, very sad news. I hope they can nail down who dun it and put them away for a loooooooong time.
Love that pic of the lizard with the blue tail, psychofunkadelic for sure.
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