HELP!!! oh please, help...if you can!
The Cozumel Humane Society folks gathered this morning to begin boarding up the shelter and are trying to foster out cats and dogs to island people....who will care for these homeless pets until the hurricane is over.
Some of them are being put to sleep because special care cannot be provided to them during this trying time.....they are expecting no electricity for days or weeks....hunting for food....no phones.....banks will be closed for days or weeks.
I have met the "major domo" of the shelter....on previous visits.
Her name is Monica and she is off the isla right now and is simply freaking out that she isn't there.
BUT....she has a good group of helpers who will do what needs to be done.
I sure wish Monica lived in Pecos!
check out the website at:
I am SO proud of what they have achieved in the last few years!!!
I donate regularly....and just did through paypal.
$10. would help...or $20....
The local people of Cozumel will receive aid...the animals will not.
We have currently...(this summer) been trying to help the carriage horses on the island.
They have no shade and no water and have open sores, sore feet and go "home" to a stall with no hay or sawdust on the ground.
So....they stand on cement day and night.
Some progress has been made.
Monica has made posters with nasty photos of these poor horses and many, many stores and restaurants are displaying them now.
The cruise ship people are the main folks who use the carriage horses...and they need to be educated about what is going on...
I know our friends on Cozumel will probably be o.k....as long as travel agents don't tell people NOT to go there during the coming months....but they will.
The cruise ship pier was damaged during hurricane wilma....so there was a big lull..... they ferried folks onto the island with small craft.
The locals will need those tourista dollars in a month or more.
Gene and I visited three and a half months after hurricane wilma....and it was WONDERFUL!
They don't have FEMA there...as soon as they can get supplies from the mainland....like cement, glass and cinder blocks...they know how to "get 'er done"!!!!!
Love, Mary
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